
ramm.x poster at SAMT07

At SAMT 2007, the 2nd international conference on Semantics And digital Media Technologies a ramm.x poster has been accepted for the project and demo session.


Web Data Models and ramm.x

Michael Bergman has written an excellent report on Web Data Models in the realm of UMBEL, a lightweight, universal subject reference structure for the Web. He also mentions ramm.x:

[...] ramm.x is a good candidate source for UMBEL characterizations because of its breadth in format and metadata coverage. The specification is also well prepared.
Thanks Michael! We'll certainly continue to work hard on it - not only to provide well written specs, but also implement stuff ;)

Upcoming: Presenting ramm.x at the Cultural Heritage workshop at ISWC07, a poster at SAMT07, and a reference implementation for a ramm.x agent. Stay tuned ...


ramm.x paper accepted at ISWC workshop

We are happy to announce that our paper "Deploying Multimedia Metadata in Cultural Heritage on the Semantic Web" has been accepted for presentation at the First International Workshop on Cultural Heritage on the Semantic Web, collocated with the 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC07). See you in Busan, South Korea in Nov 2007!


Tutorial on ramm.x (slides and video)

Want to learn what ramm.x is and do not like to read through the tutorial slides? We have captured an introduction session and put it on youtube. In four parts, we explain all the details why, where, and how to use ramm.x - check it out!


First draft of extensions available

We are happy to announce that the first draft of the proposed ramm.x extensions is now available - check it out and let us know!


Status and Upcoming Stuff

So these days heavily work is carried out on the ramm.x use cases. Check out the latest version of the use case document!

We captured a ramm.x introduction video along with some tutorial slides - the clip will soon be available on the ramm.x home page and via youtube.


How to RDFize ID3

As Oscar recently explained in the ramm.x discussion group, an RDFizing service for ID3 is available. I wonder if someone else also has tried to RDFize ID3 or other audio metadata, alike?